A lot of people call us with different queries and concerns which they want addressed. However, we keep reminding and telling our callers and patients that we are an NGO, working to create awareness about Multiple Sclerosis, educating patients and their families on how to live with the disease, how to manage it and what precautions need to be taken by MS patients to live a normal life.
One issue that has been coming up a lot lately is where can patients buy medicines and drugs like Rebif, Copaxone, and CinnoVex etc. in Pakistan and if the Society is SELLING these injections and disease modifying drugs to patients in Pakistan?
We have been reminding patients again and again that these drugs can only be purchased through authorized representatives of the concerned pharmaceutical. They are not available as over-the-counter drugs at local pharmacies as they are only made available on a patient-to-patient basis.
Moreover, we are an NGO, not a pharmaceutical. Importing and selling drugs and pharmaceuticals requires a pharmaceutical/druggist license as well as a sales license, which only pharmaceuticals have. We are a non-profit organization and do not hold the license or authority to deal in the sale and purchase of drugs.
We am sharing the Aims and Objectives of the Society again for our viewers and readers below. They were published in an earlier post when we announced that we are a registered charity now. Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the society aims and objectives.
4. The "Society for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Pakistan" is a non-commercial and non-profit charitable Society. It is committed to providing support to patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis irrespective of their sex, caste, creed, race or religion. The objects for which the Society is established are as follows:-
i) Increase awareness of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) among the general population.
ii) Help in proper and early diagnosis in patients showing symptoms similar to Multiple Sclerosis by providing them free medical advice.
iii) Support and relieve people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.
iv) Encourage people affected by Multiple Sclerosis to attain their full potential as members of society by improving their conditions of life.
v) Inspire patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis to beat MS and live a normal, productive and fulfilling life.
vi) Empower staff, volunteers and members in their endeavors and actions to implement our strategy.
vii) Create new opportunities and take appropriate measures to maximize the benefits of our work for people affected by MS.
viii) Provide a platform for MS patients to discuss their problems with other people and MS patients.
ix) Collect and distribute information about latest and emerging MS therapies.
x) Do all such acts and deeds which are necessary for the welfare of patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.
If you have any questions about the Society objectives and responsibilities, please do not hesitate to contact us or mention your queries in the comments section below.